55.  Ahn, J.,  2024, Heat Transfer and Thermal Efficiency in Oxy-Fuel Retrofit of 0.5 MW Fire Tube Gas Boiler, Processes 12(5),959. (SCI)

54.  Ahn, J., 2024, Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Heat-recovery Boiler Built Based on a Modular Mini Boiler, Int. J. Air-Cond. Ref, 32(1).9 (SCOPUS)

53. Chan, J.Y., Ahn, J. Spatial distribution and transient responses of the thermal environment in an office space equipped with a standing-type air conditioner. Int. J. Air-Cond. Ref. 32, 5 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s44189-024-00050-2 (SCOPUS)

52. Kim, J.-H., Ahn, J., Kim, S.-M., Tan, L., Pei, J., Huang, B. 2023, Special Issue on “CFD Based Researches and Applications for Fluid Machinery and Fluid Device, Volume II”, Processes 11(10),3021. (SCI)

51. Chun, Y.H. and Ahn, J. 2023, Effects of Geometric Parameters of a Staggered Labyrinth Seal on Leakage Flow, J. Mech. Sci. Tech. 37(6), 2959-2968. (SCI)

50. AM, C.Q. and Ahn, J. 2023, Designing a Turning Guide Vane Using CFD for an Economizer of a Non-Furnace Boiler, Processes 11(6), 1617. (SCI)

49. Ahn, J. Song, J.C. and Lee, J.S. 2023, An Immersed Boundary Method for Conjugate Heat Transfer Involving Melting/Solidification, Int. J. Aeronaut. Space Sci. 1-10. (SCI)

48. Ahn, J. 2023, Large Eddy Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in a Ribbed Channel for the Internal Cooling Passage of a Gas Turbine Blade: A Review, Energies 16(9), 3656. (SCI)

47. Ahn, J. 2022, Large Eddy Simulation of Film Cooling: A Review, Energies 15(23), 8876. (SCI, Feature Paper)

46. Miyazaki T, Enoki K, Ahn J. 2022 Special Issue on Sciences and Innovations in Heat Pump/Refrigeration: Volume II. Applied Sciences 12(20):10630. (SCI) 

45. Chun, Y.H, and Ahn J. 2022, Optimizing the Geometric Parameters of a Stepped Labyrinth Seal to Minimize the Discharge Coefficient. Processes 10(10), 2019. (SCI, Editor's Choice).

44. Ahn, J.,Song, J.C., and Lee. J.S. 2022. Large Eddy Simulation of Conjugate Heat Transfer in a Ribbed Channel: Reynolds Number Effect, Processes 10(10), 1928. (SCI, Editor's Choice).

43. Fakhrulrezza, M., Ahn, J. and Lee, H,-J., 2022, Thermal Design of a Biohydrogen Production System Driven by Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Waste Heat Using Dynamic Simulation, Energies 15(9), 2976 (SCI).

42. Baek, S.I. and Ahn, J., 2022, Effects of Bulk Flow Pulsation on Film Cooling Involving Compound Angle, Energies 15(7), 2643 (SCI).

41. Seon, G., Ahn, J. and Hwang, W., 2022, Analysis of the Impact of Flow Characteristics on the Separation Efficiency and Pressure Drop of a Cyclone-type Oil Separator, J. Mech. Sci. Tech. 36(1), pp.273~283. (SCI).

40. Kim, J.-H. and Ahn, J., 2021, Large Eddy Simulation of Leakage Flow in a Stepped Labyrinth SealProcesses 9(12), 2179 (SCI. Feature Paper, Editor's Choice).

39. Baek, S.I. and Ahn, J., 2021, Large Eddy Simulation of Film Cooling Involving Compound Angle Hole with Bulk Flow PulsationEnergies 14(22), 7659 (SCI, Feature Paper).

38. Ahn, J., Song, J.C. and Lee, J.S., 2021, Dependence of Conjugate Heat Transfer in Ribbed Channel on Thermal Conductivity of Channel Wall: An LES Study, Energies 14(8), 5698 (SCI).

37. Ahn, J., and Kim, H.J., 2021, Combustion Characteristics of 0.5 MW Class Oxy-fuel FGR (Flue Gas Recirculation) Boiler for CO2 Capture, Energies 14(14), 4333 (SCI).

36. Ahn, J., Song, J.C. and Lee, J.S., 2021, Fully Coupled Large Eddy Simulation of Conjugate Heat Transfer in a Ribbed Channel with a 0.1 Blockage Ratio, Energies 14(8), 2096 (SCI).

35. Baek, S.I., Ryu, J. and Ahn, J., 2021, Large Eddy Simulation of Film Cooling with Forward Expansion Hole: Comparative Study with LES and RANS Simulations, Energies 14(8), 2063 (SCI).

34. Kim J.H. and Ahn, J., 2021, Performance Analysis of Hybrid Desiccant Cooling System with Enhanced Dehumidification Capability Using TRNSYS, Applied Sciences 11(7), 3236 (SCI).

33. Baek, S.I. and Ahn, J., 2021, Effects of Bulk Flow Pulsations on Film Cooling with Two Sister HolesApplied Sciences 11(4), 1537 (SCI).

32. Baek, S.I. and Ahn, J., 2021, Optimizing the Geometric Parameters of a Straight‐Through Labyrinth Seal to Minimize the Leakage Flow Rate and the Discharge Coefficient, Energies 14(3), 705 (SCI).

30. Baek, S.I. and Ahn, J., 2020, Large Eddy Simulation of Film Cooling with Bulk Flow Pulsation: Comparative Study of LES and RANSApplied Sciences 10(23), 8553 (SCI).

29. Baek, S.I. and Ahn, J., 2020, Large Eddy Simulation of Film Cooling with Triple Holes: Injectant Behavior and Adiabatic Film-Cooling Effectiveness, Processes 8(11), 1443 (SCI).

27. Ahn, J. and Kim, H.J., 2020, Combustion Process of a Korean Wood Pellet at a Low Temperature, Renewable Energy 145, 391-398 (SCI).

26. Ahn, J., Kim, M.S. and Jang, S., 2018, Effects of Cross-sectional Aspect Ratio of V-Shaped Ribs and Blockage Ratio on Heat Transfer in a Channel at a Low Reynolds Number, J. Mech. Sci. Tech. 32(11), pp.5465~5473. (SCI-E).

25. Ahn, J. and Jang, J.H., 2018, Combustion Characteristics of a 16 Step Grate-Firing Wood Pellet Boiler, Renewable Energy 129, 678-685 (SCI).

24. Kim. M.S., Chung, J.D., Ahn, J. and Yoshida, H., 2018, In Celebration of Joon Sik Lee on his 65th Birthday, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 121, pp. 1376~1377 (SCI).

23. Ahn, J. and Jang, S., 2018, Effects of Oil Wettability on the Performance of a Cyclone-Type Oil Separator, Int. J. Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration 26(1), 18500010 (SCOPUS).

22. Ahn, J. and Jang, J.H., 2018, Combustion and Heat Transfer Characteristics of a 13 Step Grate-Firing Wood Pellet Boiler, J. Mech. Sci. Tech. 32(3) pp.1033~1040 (SCI-E).

21. Song, J.C., Ahn, J. and Lee, J.S., 2017, An Immersed-Boundary Method for Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis, J. Mech. Sci. Tech. 31(5), pp. 2287~2294 (SCI-E).

20. Seon, G. and Ahn, J., 2016, Design of inlet port of the cyclone-type oil separator using CFD, Int. J. Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration 24(4), 16500025 (SCOPUS).

19. Sumit, B., Kim, Y., Ahn, J. and Lim, S.H., 2016, Fabrication of a Superamphiphilic SS-400 Oil Separator Surface using a Ag-doped ZnO Nanorod Coating, Sci. Adv. Material 8(8), pp. 1595-1602 (SCI-E).

18. Ahn, J. and Kim, H.J., 2016, Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of a Gasket-Sealed Plate Heat Exchanger Depending on Operating Conditions across Hot and Cold Sides, J. Mech. Sci. Tech. 30(5), pp. 2325-2333 (SCI-E).

17. Ahn, J. and Kim, S.Y., 2016, Performance of Novel High Temperature Heat Exchanger for 1 kW Class Stirling Engine Considering Heat Recovery, Int. J. Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration 24(1), 16500007 (SCOPUS).

16. Ahn, J., Kim, J.Y. and Kang, B.H., 2016, Performance of a Hybrid Desiccant Cooling System in a Residential Environment, Heat Transfer Engineering, 37 (7/8) pp. 633-639 (SCI-E).

15. Jang, S.I., Ahn, J. and Lim, S.H., 2015, Performance of Oil-Separator Adopting Nature-inspired Surface, Int. J. Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 16(10) pp. 2205-2211 (SCI-E).

14. Ahn, J., and Kim, J.J., 2014, Combustion and Heat Transfer Characteristics inside the Combustion Chamber of a Wood Pellet Boiler, J. Mech. Sci. Tech. 28(2), pp. 789~795 (SCI-E).

13. Kim, H.J., Lee, Y.S. and Ahn, J., 2013, Combustion Simulation of 1kW Class LNG Stirling Engine CHP System Considering Heat Recovery, Int. J. Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration 21(1), 1350007 (SCOPUS).

12. Lee, D., Ahn, J. and Shin, S., 2013, Uneven Longitudinal Pitch Effect on Tube Bank Heat Transfer in Cross Flow, Applied Thermal Engineering 51. pp. 937~947 (SCI-E).

11. Lee, Y.O., Ahn, J. and Lee, J.S., 2012, Effects of Dimple Arrangements on the Turbulent Heat Transfer in a Dimpled Channel, Int. J. Enhanced Heat Transfer 19(4), pp. 359~367 (SCI-E).

10. Ahn, J. and Kim, H.J., 2011, Combustion and Heat Transfer Characteristics at the Combustion Chamber of an Oxy-fuel Boiler for CO2 Capturing: a Numerical Simulation, Progress in CFD 11(3), pp. 210-215 (SCI-E).

9. Ahn, J., Kim, H.J. and Choi, K.S., 2010, Oxy-fuel Combustion Boiler for CO2 Capturing: 50kW-Class Model Test, J. Mech. Sci. Tech. 24(10), pp. 2135~2141 (SCI-E).

8. Ahn, J. and Lee, J.S., 2010, Large Eddy Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in a Channel with a Detached Rib Array, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 53, pp. 445~452 (SCI).

7. Ahn, J., Kim, H.J. and Choi, K.S., 2009, Combustion Characteristics of Oxy-fuel Burnrs for CO2 Capturing Boilers, JSME J. Thermal Sci. Tech. 4(3), pp. 418~413 (SCI).

6. Kim, H.J, Ahn, J. and Choi, K.S., 2009, Melting/Gasification Characteristics of Pellet Fuel for a Waste Plastic Firing System, Int. J. Transport Phenomena 11, pp. 51~62.

5. Lee, Y.O., Ahn, J. and Lee, J.S., 2008, Effects of Dimple Depth and Reynolds Number on the Turbulent Heat Transfer in a Dimpled Channel, Progress in CFD 8(7), pp. 432~438 (SCI-E).

4. Ahn, J., Choi, H. and Lee, J.S., 2007, Large Eddy Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in a Rotating Ribbed Channel, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 50, pp. 4937~4947 (SCI).

3. Ahn, J., Choi, H. and Lee, J.S., 2005, Large Eddy Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in a Channel Roughened by Square or Semicircle RIbs, ASME J. Turbomachinery 127, pp. 263~269 (SCI-E).

2. Ahn, J., Jung, I.S. and Lee, J.S., 2003, Film Cooling from Two Rows of Holes with Opposite Orientation Angles: Injectant Behavior and Adiabatic Film Cooling Effectiveness, Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow 24, pp. 91~99 (SCI).

1. Ahn, J., Jung, I.S. and Lee, J.S., 2000, Film Cooling from Two Rows of Holes with Opposite Orientation Angles: Heat Transfer, JSME Int. J. Series B 43(4), pp. 706~711 (SCI).


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